Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ranting about Spanish

I've always told myself I could do anything if I put my mind to it, and that I only didn't know certain things because I've never tried. I've always told myself that any one is capable of learning anything, and that the mind is entirely moldable if you only put the time into it. Maybe that's true, and maybe if I just put more effort into Spanish I would get better grades and learn more, and become better at it, but there's just not enough time in the world to learn a language at the rate they want you to learn it. Its just frustrating to stay up nights on end pouring over flash cards and barely scratch the surface of the depth that they my teachers want us to be at. Like, this is Spanish 102 that I am, and its just insane to be teaching us the complexities of what past and present tense is, while at the same time trying to teach you basic things like Holidays, and grammar for food. Language has always been something that I have imitated, I think most people do it that way, but they want us to learn all the language theory, and all the terms, but never give us enough time to put it into practice, you know? Like, you learn language by being around it, and yet they want us to learn it off a piece of paper, and the little bit that they show us in class... its kinda ridiculous.

This has been a rant.

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