Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fear of music

So I saw this really amazing show tonight. The artist was Cameron McGill and his set just kicked sooo much ass. However, he is not the reason I am writing. I am writing because of the bands before him. These bands were both relatively talented, doin' what they do best (rocking), but they lacked any sort of emotion, and were just came across because it..... they seemed like they were doing it for the sake of doing it, not because they loved it and as I was sitting there I was just... well, bored, and kind of judged them on their form, or their style, or how old they were (both bands were over 40 and still trying to sound and act like they weren't) and suddenly I realized why I am so afraid of playing in front of people... because I don't want to be judged like I judge other people. I fear my own criticism. I have gotten the point where I am beginning to be really proud of the songs that I write, but I still feel a certain amount of anxiety just because I know how harsh music lovers are (because I am) and I don't want to be one of those bands that opens up for people, and "does the music thing for a while" and I don't want to be 40 still trying to "live the dream" pretending that I don't have responsibilities.

So in light of trying to be more serious about my music (new year's resolution), here is the link to my site, check it out, and let me know what you think.

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