Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So I'm going home today, and well, frankly I just feel weird calling it that. There is certainly an element of nostalgia when I go back to Nashville, but for the most part, I just feel weird all around. I am excited to see everyone who will be there when I get back, but the town, the place, the house I used to live in–and still keep some of my crap in–are just not home for me anymore.
A friend of mine describes home as the other place that she is not right now. What she means is that when she goes back to her home town, that is going home, but when she is talking about coming back to Loyola she is also coming home, but I think for me Chicago is home, and more specifically this campus, not necessarily my dorm room, because I am beginning to feel more and more annoyance at having to live in such a small space, and share it with another person, but this campus is definitely home.
I always think about that conversation in Garden State where Natalie Portman and Zach Braff are sitting in the swimming pool and Zach Braff is talking about his own experience of home and he says

"You know that point in your life when you realize that the house you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore…all of the sudden even though you have some place to put your shit, that idea of home is gone…"

I don't know, the older I get the more this remains true for me, except I'm not quite as pessimistic as he is. So when I go back to the house I grew up in, today, I will be thinking about Garden State, and I will be missing Chicago, because its home, to me, and I like that idea.

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