Monday, August 27, 2007

Going well

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing great. I'm headed off to class in about 20 minutes and it's freakin' exciting. I mean, the idea that I only have to pay my immortal soul to have people teach me things that I don't know for four years... I mean, that's a deal that can't be beat :-D.
I have made at least a starting group of friends, so that's great. My room mate and I get along pretty well, we don't have a whole lot in common, but that's not really a big deal – at least we get along personality wise. It's been nice to have someone with me at all times, because it means no matter what happens I'm never alone, which is a very comforting feeling.

I feel like I am living by the seat of my pants, always on the move, never able to stop and just be, because I am on the move so much, trying to be with people and trying to figure out everything I need to get done, and then on top of that I have to call people from Nashville (the one's who have called me) back, and then call other people (like my parents) and tell them how I'm doing – which I haven't really found time for.
Things are going well, I am making friends, people are nice, the girls are pretty, and there's just so many different opportunities I don't even know where to get involved first. I don't really know what the hell I'm doing, but I'm keeping my eyes open and learning on my feet. We'll see what happens :)

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